Monday, September 5, 2011

2 Reasons to Choose Philippines

In year 2010, Philippines has been reported to be a top BPO hotspot in the Global market. There are a lot of factors identified contributing to this milestone in Philippine economy. Two of those, top our list of why demand for outsourcing centers in the Philippines continue to rise.


With the economic phenomenon called Global Labor Arbitrage, business people, cost efficient as they are known to be, gain access to lower cost economies through offshoring. Arbitrage means taking advantage of a price difference generated by the wage gap between industrialized and developing nations. Amidst global recession, a foreigner's best resort for its business to survive is outsourcing to low wage countries. Some may just want to free up their time and grow their business but simply cannot afford unless revenue increases.  Consequently, Philippines is one of those developing countries with low wages (as seen in the graph below compared to US and other BPO resource countries). This is mainly the reason why companies choose the Philippines as their outsourcing destination.

Source: PayScale, SourcingLine, 2010
Moreover, what gets us ahead is the relatively high cost of personnel and worker inefficiency in the U.S., hence, they shift to countries where labor is cheap like the Philippines. The Philippines is one of the most cost effective locations in terms of compensation for IT jobs like web designing, system engineering, as well as voice and non-voice business processes.
Just for instance, salaries for technical resources range from $4,400 (for starters) to more or less $24,000 (for seniors) per annum. This allows foreign companies to save up to $30,000 per year in wages per employee. Definitely a huge amount of savings as compared to hiring a homeshore employee.


Philippines has been considered to have better affinity with the American culture, hence having better understanding of American consumers.This dates back in the American period where Americans were said to have poisoned Filipino way of thinking through education. This has said to cause neglect in own Filipino culture and identity. However, through the years, this has been translated to a positive response towards the Philippines in the global economic arena. In fact the country has been a favorite because of the abundance of English speakers that are college graduates and Americanized when it comes to English accent. As a result, Philippines is chosen and preferred by most businesses for their outsourcing needs be it for voice or non voice processes. This paves way for more back office jobs like article writing, blogging , content writing to be done offshore. Grammar and spelling will never be a problem since Filipinos are heavily trained in technical writing.

Indeed, with lots of well-educated, English-speaking programmers and writers delivering quality work at a lower rate, who wouldn't seriously consider getting a Filipino staff?

By: Next Office


  1. This article is well researched and well written. The author has a well rounded understanding of the topic.

  2. With first hand current experience, I agree this is correct. I would also highlight excellent service culture, very engaging nature and abundance of purpose designed BPO dedicated facilities/urban villages that attract young Filipino graduates.

  3. Very well said! I am a filipino but living in florida and now just launched a VA Social Media business…

  4. another reason is the work attitude of hardworking filipinos

  5. Thumbs up to the author for writing this. We are a call center in the Philippines and totally agree. Boosts up our morale by leaps and bounds. Thanks.

  6. I also agree that when outsourcing tasks it is a great way to outsource it in the Philippines. It is cost effective in which the cost of a living in the Philippines is considerably low compared to US and UK. This way you can hire highly skilled staff in a low cost. Another is English is one of the universal languages of the Philippines. It won’t be a problem in terms of communicating with them. They are hard working and with great work ethics. I also hire staff in the Philippines, a virtual assistant to be exact and they work great. Here is where I hire virtual assistant for my personal needs. It also discusses more information about hiring a virtual assistant in the Philippines.

  7. Why outsource SEO Philippines for all of your web sites? The obvious answer is the cost savings that you get to have. Having a spanking new site is just the beginning of your company’s induction into the tech-savvy world and unless it is optimized for major search engines, it’s as good as not having a site at all.

  8. We all know that lots of BPO's in the Philippines and this is really a big advantage because it can give an opportunity to our Filipino people to have work.

    philippines outsourcing

  9. These two reasons are enough why you should outsource in the Philippines. Also, there are many outsourcing services do the country offers. Surely, the country will give success on your company.
